Thursday, September 6, 2012

Materializing New Space Exhibit

In the Materializing New Space exhibit, I really liked the Nesting prints. The way they layered each of the different elements they used in the prints, I found it to be very interesting. Just by looking at it you could tell that there had to be many painstaking hours put into them, especially, the Steal A March. Having this piece as the piece that everyone sees when they first walked into the exhibit really catches the audience’s attention and throws them right into the artwork. The large size of this piece allows you to see each and every detail within nature and the creatures that are living there. It displays the main focus of the Avian Flying Apparatus and allows you to see the final product of what all the instructions are trying to make in all the Avian prints. I find myself awestruck when I look at the pieces with layer after layer of different elements. They are all very fascinating.
The pieces that stood out to me the most were the Nesting prints. I loved the idea of using different elements to make one entirely new piece. My favorite of all the Nesting prints was the Nesting #3. The way the nest is made from the shredded instruction sheets was noteworthy; you could still somewhat read a little bit of the instructions. It was almost as if the nest could have been made by the birds that weren’t superior and it was almost a way to get back at those birds that were “superior” with their made wings. There also was so much detail put into the flowers, leaves, and twigs that surrounds the nest that you can tell it was drawn in, but it makes you look twice because of the detail. I really find this piece interesting because of how well every element was layered into the final piece.
The New York Stock Exchange Project was the pieces that I didn’t quite understand. By looking just at those pieces, I would have never interpreted that they were supposed to represent the New York Stock Exchange and how it differed over time. However, the idea of making graphs from bricks is a unique idea, especially incorporating the different elements they like to use, the real-life objects and then computerized objects. I would have liked to ask Kennedy and Urquhart how they came up with the idea of using the bricks to illustrate the change in the market. I would have also liked to ask if the stocks they invested in were determined by another element that we may not be able to see, such as a stock that they had a connection with. But all in all, I found this exhibit to be very fascinating and enjoyed looking at the different elements involved.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! I enjoyed reading your response to the connection between the nesting images and the and the instruction sheets...I had not considered that the nesting birds may be getting back at the "superior" birds!
